TTMSFMXGrid repeat sort of grid

TTMSFMXGrid repeat sort of grid.
Version is under Windows 8.

1. Programmatically generate rows in the grid.
2. Click on header.
I can see the triangle graphic in header cell.
The rows are sorted.
3. Programmatically generate rows in the grid.
I can see the triangle graphic in header cell.
4. Click on header. Perhaps click on header again.
I can see many blank rows at top then the sorted rows beneath.

I tried :-
  ModeSave : TTMSFMXGridSortingMode;
 ModeSave := gridSearchTreeshts.Options.Sorting.Mode;
ts.Options.Sorting.Mode := gsmNone;
  gridSearchTreesh*ts.Options.Sorting.Mode := ModeSave;

Unfortunately that did not fix the problem.
How can I "reset" the grid?

  Peter Evans

Can you use a BeginUpdate / EndUpdate to wrap your code of clearing the sortmode?

Kind Regards, 

Thank you for that reply.
I have now experimented and found a partial fix :-

1. At event FormShow save the property gridSearchTrees.RowCount
2. Restore RowCount before adding rows.

There is still the problem of the sort triangle graphic seen in a Header cell.
I can live with this. However it would be nice to remove any Header cell sort triangle graphics.
  Peter Evans