TTIWIPhoneHeader top of buttons cut off

Dev Platform: D7, IW 11, TMS iPhone controls (latest version)
Target Platform:  Samsung S3

On the Samsung, the header buttons (left and right) are crowding the top of the screen so much that the tops of the buttons are cut off.  I've tried increasing the height of the header and found it makes no difference at all.

I'm waiting to hear back from my iPhone tester to see if it has the same problem.  However, I need it fixed for the Samsung, as I am encouraging my customers to go open source.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


We are not aware of such an issue with the Android browser.

Have you tried running the iPhone demo, which is working as expected?

There are known alignment issues with some versions of IW 11, have you tried using a different version of IW?

If the problem persists, can you please provide a screenshot and let me know exactly which version of Android  and IntraWeb you are using so I can further investigate this issue?