TTIWDBAdvWebGrid html template error


I am having some troubles using a simple html template with a iwform with a TIWDBAdvWebGrid. If I use the grid, the form goes frozen. If not the form runs without any problem.

What can I do to solve this problem?? 


We are not aware of any issues with using the TIWDBAdvWebgrid control in combination with html templates.

Can you please provide some extra information to allow me to further investigate this issue:
- Which version of Delphi and IntraWeb are you using?
- What is the content of the html template?
- Have you noticed any JavaScript errors in the browser when the issue occurs?


I'm using Delphi XE with Intraweb XI. 

What I need is take off all the styles from the tiwdbadvwebgrid. With this I can make a html template with my own styles.

Another one: is there an option that the grid does not manage each cell as a table (having less tables within cells)?

Thanks for your help!

Unfortunately it's not supported to change style definitions or the table/cell structure of the TIWDBAdvWebGrid.

The control was designed to be styled using the available properties in the Delphi IDE.