TTIWDBAdvWebGrid error

Creating a new topic for the DB grid 

1] Error reading Grid.Indicators.Edit.Data: System Error Code: 87.The parameter is incorrect.
2] Error Reading Grid.Nodes.NodeClosed.Data: Could not load image. Invalid Format
3] Error reading  The parameter is incorrect. 

What i tried for error#1:
1) set TIWAdvWebGrid1.Indicators.Browse := nil; 
2) Updated to version  v5.9.0.0
3) set in the IWServerController  ComInitialization to ciMultithreaded
4) found the property Indicators.Browse and there was an image of an arrow there so went to every TTIWAdvWebGrid and TTIWDBADVWebGrid and cleared out the image of the arrow from the browse property. Left the edit and insert Bitmap images alone. 

For  Error# 2
1) found the property Grid.Nodes.NodeClosed and cleared out the image 
2) found the property Grid.Nodes.NodeOpen and cleared out the image 

For the Error#3
Could not physically clear the property Grid.glyphs.editbutton, so set those to nil by code. 
Also set the  Grid.glyphs.cancelbutton and  Grid.glyphs.PostButton to nil.

TTIWADVWebGrid errors here:


We are investigating these issues and will report back as soon as possible.