TTIWAdvRadioGroup appears to have cell padding hard coded to 4
columnItem := 0;
Contents.AddText('<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 style="font-size:' + IntToStr(Font.Size) + 'pt;'
+ iif(fsBold in Font.Style, 'font-weight:bold;', '')
+ iif(fsItalic in Font.Style, 'font-style:italic;', '')
+ 'color:' + ColorToRGBString(Font.Color) + ';width:100%;height:auto;">');
could it be requested that cellpadding ... and i guess cellspacing? be a parameter to set?
The default IW radio group has a tighter fit, so when i swapped over to TTIWAdvRadioGroup
the viewable list dropped a few times... and I am told to get it back to how it looked before.
Only work around is to modify the source of the TMS code forever.