Transparency on TTIWSmoothLabel

Version 4.3.1

When selecting Transparent on a TTIWSmoothLabel, in design mode the transparency works.  Although, while executing the application, the page shows the text in a white rectangular background.  Try it where a form has a dark background, like black.

I have not been able to reproduce this issue with TTIWSmoothLabel using default property settings (see image below).

Please make sure your image type is set to itPNG as this will provide the best results with transparency.

Unfortunately, this is how a stock TTIWSmoothLabel, with no changes to the defautl settings, looks on my login screen:


  • The Appearance.Transparent property should be set to True by default, can you please check if this is correct?

    - Does this also happen when you create a new IW application with just a TTIWSmoothLabel dropped on the form?
    If that works, please let me know what you are doing differently in your full application. Or you can also send the application (in a zip file without the exe file) to us by email to so I can further investigate this.

You would need an Oracle back end database to do anything with my application.  You would not be able to open it up in XE unless to had the Direct Oracle Access toolset for XE installed.  In addition, the ServerManager unit contains information which I cannot release.

Other than the ServerManager, the application is pretty basic at this time.  I can send you the login module's pas/dfm files.  I did add a new form, change its background to clWEBBLACK, add a Smooth Label and retry.  Same issue.
I will attempt to create a brand new application and test the TTIWSmoothControl there.
Appreciate the assistance.

Oh, and yes, the Transparency setting is defaulting to True.

OK, I tested a brand new project.  Opened the main form, set the background color to clWEBBLACK, added a TTIWSmoothControl and compiled.  Ran the exe, launched a web browser and connected.

Same thing...white rectangular background.  Officially stumped.

It's strange indeed, we have not received reports from other users having problems with transparancy in the TIWSmoothLabel.

Can you please have a look at my sample project, which is working as expected and let me know if this works for you?
You can download the project from this link:

If possible, send your test project to for further investigation.
Can you please also let me know which versions of Delphi and IntraWeb you are using?

Hi Bart,

Will get to this next week.  Higher priority projects and travel are delaying my attempts to get back to this.  Will post you on the results once I get back to this.  Thank you very much for your followup.

Version of Delphi is XE, Enterprise Edition (Version 15.0.3890.34076).  Intraweb version is XI, the original version which was supplied with Delphi XE.  Browser is IE8 (Version 8.0.7600.16385).  Running on Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit.

I have been able to reproduce the problem with Intraweb XI (I was using Intraweb 10 in previous tests).

We are investigating what we can do to fix the issue.

I have been able to trace and fix the transparency issue.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IntraWeb Component Pack.

Finally coming up for air and thought I'd check this forum.  Thanks, Bart.  Very much appreciate your follow-up and resolution on this issue.  Look forward to the fix in the next release!