ToDoList - VCL UI PACK 10.8.3 - Delphi 10.4.2

Capture d’écran 2022-10-12 135333

When clicking on the TODO (but not on items), I've got an exception error.

It seems like Kanban error fixed since a few days.

I cannot reproduce this with our TodoList demo.
What is different in your app from our demo application?

I just tried with D11.2 à home, problem :crazy_face:
I have Officepager, Kanbanboard and planner on the same app.

Then this is very strange.
If you have more details how exactly to reproduce this, please inform.

I'll try tomorow on alexandria with full project source and see what it does.

I found it :slight_smile:
I have an onitemselect event on the TodoList.
I just put before any other code, and it works

if Assigned(TD_todo.Selected) then

Best regards

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