TMSWeb Installer 1.4.1 installs Version 1.4.0

I've send you a e-mail where you can download a video that shows, that the installer from the "myproduct" page installes the version 1.4.0, although it says it will install version 1.4.1.

Can you have a look at it?

I have found that if I install a new version of Web Core without first uninstalling the previous version, then Delphi still shows the old version number. Maybe this describes what you are seeing?

I would try, if it would be better, if I deinstall it first.

In the installed programms-page (control panel) I see two TMS Web Programms. 

TMS WEB Core for Rad Studio 10.4 Sydney v1.4.1.0
TMS WEB Core Wrapper Installer for Delphi v1.4.1.0

Do I have do deinstall them both and if yes, has the order a relevance?

I installed the update after getting a popup saying it was available. When I launch the IDE now, it keeps telling me there's an update and that I have 1.4.0 installed. When I looked in the Install Components list, it shows is installed, so something clearly isn't right.

We overlooked the setting for the about dialog. If you see the manual being installed is v1.4.1.0, it means the latest version is installed. We'll release v1.4.2.0 next week that will address the about box version nr. issue.