When using the TMSFNCRibbon in combination with the TMSFNCRibbonForm is it by design that I have to set the border icons by code to make them visible? Do I miss an TMSFNCRibbon option?

So far I found only two ways to make the border icons visible

1.) By code :

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  BorderIcons:= [biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize];

or during runtime using the TMSFNCRibbonSystemMenu [OptionsMenu.ShowButton = true]

Would be nice when the TMSFNCRibbonSystemMenu could use the form settings

With best regards


In LCL here is an issue when the borderstyle is set to bsNone, the BorderIcons are also cleared and there is no way around this other than programmatically setting them in the constructor of the form.

That's ok, just wanted a confirmation from your side that setting the icons by code is the way to go.

Best regards

We'll still searching for a solution that can be included in TTMSFNCRibbon, but up until now no permanent fix has been found.