I would like to copy the canvas of a TMSFNCPlanner to try to get a pdf file.
I can do it with the part which is visible but not the part I can get if I use scrollbars.
Is it possible :
to get the "all" canvas ?
the get the "real" width and height (and not just what is visible) to use the .Scroll() procedure by code and get the visible canvas ?
Thank you for your answer
Have a good day
Alexandre Boisramé
Unfortunately that is not possible, the planner is not pre-calculating all items. This happens whens scrolling, so you cannot get the whole planner in one view unless the width and the height are showing all possible items.
Thank you for your answer.
So I will know try to build by code a kind of "planning clone" with FlexCel to export it in pdf ...
A lot of work but I must be possible.
Alexandre Boisramé