TMSFNCMaps opacity of the map

Is it possible to set the opacity of the map (only the map, not the markers/markerlabels)?

I'm using Bing as mapservice.

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Hi, I have the same need to set the map opacity. I use Google map as the background to provide some references. I would like to have my polygons, polylines showing up and standing out by setting the map opacity less than 1. Is it possible to do that? Thanks!

Bing Maps
Please note that the Bing maps service has been deprecated by Microsoft. It is recommended to use one of the other supported mapping services available in TMS FNC Maps.

Google Maps
Unfortunately map opacity is currently not available in the Google Maps API. You might want to look into using a different map style.
Map styles can be configured in the Google Maps console:

Assign the Map ID of the custom map style to the Options.MapID property to display it in TMS FNC Maps.

An example of a monochrome map style:

Thanks for the notification that Bing is deprecated.
I'm now looking to switch to Apple MapKit JS, because I have a developer account. When I want to create a MapKit JS token that never expires, I have to add a domain, which I don't have because it is a VCL application. How can I fix this?

Can you please make sure to follow the instructions as indicated below?