TMSFMXTableView back button loses its style

Subject : TTMSFMXTableView back button loses its style

This problem has been happening for more than one year over many versions
of the component. Same problem on different TableView used in the program.

Problem is when there is a DetailView.

tblvSection : TTMSFMXTableView;

  Itm : TTMSFMXTableViewItem;
  {Set the tblvSection.BackButton = True}
  {Have two items on tblvSection}
  Itm := tblvSection.Items[0];
  Itm.DetailView := pnlPhoto; {a TPanel}
  Itm := tblvSection.Items[1];
  Itm.DetailView := pnlNote; {a TPanel}


Step 1 - When the user clicks on item 0 the user sees the DetailView.
The user sees the BackButton which is styled with an arrow shape on the
left hand side.

Step 2 - User clicks the BackButton.

Step 3 - When the user clicks on item 1 the user sees the DetailView.
The user sees the BackButton which seems to have lost its styling
and is a rectangle.

From now the user only sees the BackButton as a rectange.

The above steps are only one way of seeing this user interface issue.

Is there some way to fix this problem?

Sorry, we have tested this here but are not able to reproduce this issue. Can you provide more information so we can investigate exactly where it goes wrong? Perhaps a complete sample which is able to reproduce this issue would be helpful.

I will make a sample project and send it to support.