TmsFmxGrid / TmsFmxLive Grid issue


I am encountering an issue with TmsFmxGrid and TmsFmxLiveGrid : when Options.Editing.AutoPost is set to apRow.
I want to edit all field on a row, and when the selected row changes, all the modified values should be applied to the binded object.

My problem is that only the first modified cell on the row is applied to the object. It's easier to see on the LiveGrid, cause when the TEdit is hided, the type value is not applied on the grid cell.

I am using AdapterBindSource to bind a TObjectList<T> to the grid.

working on Delphi 10 seattle with TMS pack for fireMonkey V

Kind Regards.


We are able to reproduce this here, but it seems that the underlying LiveBindings techniques have again changed in 10 Seattle. We will investigate this here as soon as possible.

Kind Regards, 

Ok, thanks.