TMSFMXGRid and Livebindings


I try to get the related record when clicking a row on the grid but the onClick event seems to be triggered before the repositionning of the record in the dataset.
I mean the TBindSourceDB.dataset current record is related to the previous row clicked.
I tried with different events such as onSelectCell, etc.. but it's the same
Settings of the grid are following:

I plan to use the selectedRow index to find each related record in the dataset but I wonder if the row index is equals to the record index in the dataset, especially when the grid has been scrolled by the user.

Is there an easy and secure way to achieve my goal?
Thanks for your help.


We have applied a fix for this issue. The event handler to use is the OnSelectCell which will be triggered after the record pointer is set. The next version will have this included.

Kind Regards, 