TMS WEB Core and TMSFNCGrid, a bug or a limit on rows number?

Bug or limit?

I tried to load data in TMSFNCGrid with functions "LoadFromCSV" and "LoadFromCSVStream" and I found a limit.
If I load less than 2800 rows, the functions works but if I load more than 2800 rows, the programm go to exception.
The exception's message is "Maximum call stack size exceeded".
Is there a limit of rows that I can load or is there a bug?
I attach a test project.

I try to use dataset adapter with TMSFNCGrid (with its "windows" on dataset) but there are bugs now for use if directly for CRUD on grid. Sorry but not stable yet for serious projects.

Another question:

How can I load data in the TMSFNCGrid from a JSON?
I need to load data from JSON from http response; This lack limit TMSFNCgrid's usage that should be an important basis for TMS Web Core projects; (we use grids everywhere)
Please test yourself my demo project
Demo - TMSFNCGrid Load (3.0 MB)
Good job,
Thanks in advance

We'll investigate this here as soon as possible.


To properly load the big CSV file, please use a different encoding (anything other than TEncoding.UTF8)

Grid.LoadFromCSV('Test2800.csv', TEncoding.Unicode);

The JSON is actually based on the component itself, to save and load the properties. It's not designed to load the data unfortunately. There is no JSON specific data based loading included at the moment. We'll investigate if we can add support for this.

OK Pieter,
It seems to works...
(waiting for a Json importer)