TMPFNCMAPS - google maps not working

We have same problem about TMSFNCGoogleMaps and TMSFNCMaps component. The Map screen empty while Map Screen size expand by mouse on design and runtime. In small screen size Appear Map but doesn't search location.

Can you please provide a sample project to help us reproduce the issue?

We setted In TTMSFNCMaps, property set LocalFileAccess to True
and successfull work.

Once again - until 2024-10-16 the application worked correctly on components but as of 2024-10-17 it does not work on either version or version With a google map the map is not initialized - the MapInitialized event is not called. If I switch to e.g. msHere, msLeaflet the MapInitialized event is always called. The initialization problem concerns ONLY the google map.

I have then same problem :(

Same Problem here.
Workaround is a temporary solution but I need a fix ASAP!


I upgraded the delphi version to 11.3 - unfortunately the problem still persists

TMS (7.9 KB)
Please first use Child button and next Normal button

Please try

procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  WebMap.CacheFolderName := TGUID.NewGuid.ToString;
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now it's improved but I still need to test it thoroughly

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Same Problem here.

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This issue has been resolved.
The Google Maps API update causing this issue has been rolled back. The TTMSFNCMaps and TTMSFNCGoogleMaps components should now function as expected with default settings.

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