Important Notice!

Important Notice!

Google broke the JavaScript implementation. Please download v3.5.0.1 of TMS FNC Maps to fix the issue.

can´t find this option...

We are currently releasing a new update.

I already updated the component but the screen is still blank

Did you drop a new instance on the form?

I created a new form and it still didn't work

Are you using TTMSFNCGoogleMaps or TTMSFNCMaps? Did you install v3.5.0.1?

using TTMSFNCGoogleMaps

yes i am using version i did the update today

can you check the TMSFNCGoogleMaps.Options.Version property?

this property does not exist


my version

It must be that you are not using the latest version. Can you access it programmatically?

i downloaded the new version, uninstalled the old one and installed the new one. maybe the process has left some residue. I can access yes.


I installed the new version, there were conflicting files, but now I have this error.

Download not work for me.

show this message : Maximum number of downloads per day exceeded for this file.

no downloads were successful today