TIWAdvToolButton image not visible in IDE


I was looking for a picture component with "hover" property and found your TIWAdvToolButton comp. I placed some on my form, setting with and height to 24 and glyph with some gif pictures. All colors are "disabled" (set to clNone), except BackColor and HotColor. When starting the IWServer everything works as expected, but in the IDE the glyph is not shown and a color gradient is visible though I set the backcolorto property to clNone.

Is there any way to make the glyph visible in the IDE? (I am using many of them and it is a little confusing) or is there any other comp I could use to show an image with hover color?

Thx in advance

- Unfortunately images that are assigned to the IWAdvToolButton are currently not displayed at design-time.
We'll investigate if the design-time behavior can be improved in a future version.

- The gradient color issue at design time has been fixed.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IW Component Pack.

- Have you tried using the IWAdvImageButton control?
This control has no hover color but you can assign a HotPicture image that is displayed while hovering.

Thx for your answer - unfortunately I don't have the icons in a "hot" mode, so I was looking for the hover function changing the background color when mouse moves over. Making the glyph visible in the IDE would be very helpfull ;) Perhaps it would made sense to add the hover functionality to other TMSIW components ...
