TIWAdvEdit and Decimal:=#0


in TIWAdvEdit, when EditType=edNumeric and i "remove" the decimal point, the Decimal becomes #0.
if i try to show such TIWAdvEdit in sync, the app freezes, and if i try in async, i get "unterminated string literal" error.

had a case when i forgot i changed that property, and i created a frame
in runtime, and copied about 200 controls in it(...), one of them was
that TIWAdvEdit.
it took me 2 days to figure out why the application get stuck or i get the error, until i separated the controls...  lol


Thank you for notifying.
This issue has been fixed and the update will be available with the next release of the TMS IntraWeb Component Pack.

Please note that there is no need to remove the DecimalPoint property value if EditType is set to edNumeric as no DecimalPoint character is allowed for that type.
The DecimalPoint value is only used when EditType is set to edFloat.

yes, i know.
i wanted to test something with edFloat and edNumeric, and forgot to change it back...  :D

Thanks !