Problem editing floating point in TDBAdvGrid


I have a problem using the TDBAdvGrid Component. In a column, I'm showing a float point (I come from a SqLite database, Real data type). When I try to edit a value in this column, the editor doesn’t accept the decimal point from the keyboard, then I can't put decimal values. The property editor for this column is edPositiveFloat.

Please, can you help me to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance

Did you check that what you type as decimal point is effectively the DecimalSeparator as defined in your app/OS?

Yes, in the Form.OnActivate event, there is the sentence:
Formatsettings.DecimalSeparator:= '.';

Is Formatsettings.ThousandSeparator different from Formatsettings.DecimalSeparator?

It was the same character for ThousandSeparator.
Then I've changed it and now works, OK.

I have lost a lot of hours before white for help :frowning:
Many thanks!