TInspectorBar - Runtime created panels & VCL Styles

Hi !
Using TInspectorBar in an app with an applied VCL style works fine for panels created at design-time, but creating panels at runtime dos not use the style colors. How can I force a newly created Panel to update/repaint it's colors?

Also noticed that if your InspectorBar psProperties Panel has ptButton Items and you try to use TMS style Office2010Black, 2016Black, 2016Gray or 2019Black, you barely can see the button caption. The background is a very light gray, and the text color is white.

Thanks for reporting.
We applied several improvements that will be included in the next release.

BTW, when you use levels in panels style psProperties, the level 0 elements don't show a '+'/'-' sign to expand/collapse. Is it by design ?

Level = 0 is the default and is not used for a tree structure.
For anything that should have a tree structure, use a Level value > 0

Ok.. now I can see it. If I want expand/collapse feature in my root nodes, all I need to do is start them all from level 1 instead of 0.
Thanks !