The “drift” between the movement of the window and the cursor observed when zoom factor is not 100% for popup form

Hi there,

For the popup form, with the cursor in the blue bar (as you can see from demo) at the top and close to the right edge of it click, hold down and drag the window slowly to the right. Notice the cursor moves more than the window and eventually lies outside of the window. Release the click. The window stops moving and is not “stuck” to the cursor. The same is observed when dragging the window up or to the left. This “drift” between the movement of the window and the cursor happens when the browser zoom factor is not 100%.

Here is the attached demo for the test:
31. popup (1.6 MB)


We applied a fix that will be in the next update

Tested on the TMS 2.4 and confirm that it is has been fixed. Thanks Bruno!

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