Open Form as popup, why it is not backwards compatible???


From WEB Core version the form which is open with popup := true behaves strange:

  1. The popup form is not centered on the screen
  2. If the element width is large the form doesn't automatically grow down
  3. I can't see the items from 0 to 3

In version it behaved these two points are ok.
The problem is that the TMS Web Core is not backwards compatible I have to fix these kind of problems.

See screens below on the same program:

  1. TMS Web Core version

  2. TMS Web Core version 2.6.X.X or

In attachment program to reproduce issue. (1.6 MB)

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Please installl v2.7.0.1

on v exactly the same issue. Did you run attached sample project ?

  1. Enable to show the form centered with:

Form2 := TForm2.CreateNew();
Form2.Position := poScreenCenter;
Form2.Popup := True;

  1. It respects the defined form height, so your list is larger than your form, so set the form height large enough (as you set HeightStyle = ssAuto, so it takes more height than the form height)

Why the ElementClassName and ElementPopupClassName doesn't work. When I set some my class name like below for the popup form the final rendering has only class="card" without our class. It was working in

We fixed this issue. Fix will be in next release.

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