[TDBAdvGrid] property does not exist


I dropped a TDAdvGrid on a FMX form. Everything is fine at design time, the project builds without error but when opening the form at runtime, i get the following error message:
"Property Filter DropDown.TextChecked does not exist"
I edited the form (view as text) and deleted th following rows:

FilterDropDown.TextChecked = 'Checked'
FilterDropDown.TextUnChecked = 'Unchecked'
FilterEdit.TypeNames.Strings = (
      'Starts with'
      'Ends with'
      'Not contains'
      'Not equal'

The error message disappeared but as soon as i toggle to design mode (view as form). The previous lines are restored and the error is back.

Does anyone have an idea?


a TDBAdvGrid is not a FMX Control and is not compatible with a FMX Form. Please use a VCL Form for this control.

Kind Regards, 

Sorry, i confused with another project. This one is a vcl project previously developped with Delphi 7

Please verify there are not multiple instances of ADVGRID.* files around on your system. The problem you experience is most likely due to a mix of new & old versions of such files present on your hard disk. Please cleanup ALL old version files.

Indeed, there was several versions of advgrid on my computer (D7,XE3)
Everything works fine now. Thanks for your help