With pagemode=false nothing is shown


I am trying to filter a TadvDBGrid.
As soon as I set pagemode to false the grid doesn't show any records.
I did not attach any filters yet. Just a fresh TadvDBGrid.

The grid is connected via a datasource to a SAPxRFCvTableGS table (http://www.gs-soft.com/CMS/en/products/connect-for-sap-sapx)

As soon as I add a filter
fd := DBAdvGrid1.Filter.add;
fd.column := 4;
fd.Condition := '00000001'; 
DBAdvGrid1.FilterActive := True;)

and set pagemode to true only the "first page" is filtered.

Could you please help me on this one?


For using internal grid filtering, it is needed to set grid.PageMode = false.
We are not aware of any filtering issues in this mode.

Do you set the filter AFTER activating the dataset?

That pointed me in a good direction

This is the code and it works

  DBAdvGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Active := False;
  DBAdvGrid1.PageMode := False;
  fd := DBAdvGrid1.Filter.Add;
  fd.column := 4;
  fd.Condition := '00000001';
  DBAdvGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Active := True;
  DBAdvGrid1.FilterActive := True;

Hello Bruno,

The problem is partially solved.

With small datasets the dbgrid is properly filtered
But with large sets the filter is ignored. All instances are shown.

Do you have a suggestion how to solve this?

Sorry solved it again
I had to add DBAdvGrid1.Filter.Clear;

I sent a test project to your email address. With our test project, I cannot reproduce an issue.