TAdvToolBarPager: Class TAdvPage not found after updating to v13.1.12.0

I have an older project that uses the TAdvToolBarPager control
After updating to I get an error when opening the form that uses TAdvToolBarPager - Class TAdvPage not found.
If I click continue the TAdvPage controls hosted by TAdvToolBarPager are removed
The TAdvToolBarPager shows the following message

Right-click and choose "New Page" to insert a new tabsheet
If no such right-click menu option appears please install designtime package!

However, if I avoid opening that page I can still compile my project and the page that uses TAdvPage works correctly at runtime.

What do I need to do to get TAdvToolBarPager working in design time ?

"please install designtime package" is what should be done to solve this issue.
When TMS VCL UI Pack is installed, you should see 5 packages installed AND active (checked)

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