AdvOfficePager problem

I tried to use the AdvOfficePager from TMS Component Pack in my project.
I started with i fully new project and added the AdvOfficePager.
Compiling and linking works successful. The 'exe' works fine. After save
and close I want to open the project again but now I got the error
message: 'error while open the form: class TAdvOfficePage not found'. I
have the option to ignore this error than the AdvOfficePager will be
removed. Otherwise (press cancel on the errormessage) I cannot change
any more to the design page. I have no chance to add or remove
components to my form. I hope that you can help me.  

Delphi 2009, tmscomponent (30/7/2010)

We suggest to reinstall TMS Component Pack after deleting all old BPL, DCU... files

Please make sure that the package TMSDED2009 is effectively installed & active in the IDE.