TAdvStringGrid - some issues

I just installed TMS VCL UI Pack and I'm trying TAdvStringGrid. I notcied some unexpected behaviors (in all cases grid.ControlLook.DropDownAlwaysVisible = true):

  • one click on combobox list item doesn't add selected value to cell
  • second click add value to cell, but permanently only if next click is on grid. If next click is on next combobox arrow, then value disapears
  • in OnGetEditorType column 1 and 4 have different combobox items definition. But clicking comboboxes arrows in column no. 1 and next no. 4 shows unproper items on list (like last remembered, but list size is proper: 2 items in column 1 and 3 items in column 4).

To explain, I recorded behaviors on video:

Delphi 10.2, Windows 7 64 bit (target platform Windows 32 bit).

Best regards

Grzegorz Zochowski

You are not coding against the guideline how to use OnGetEditorType and OnGetEditorProp.
In OnGetEditorType you should just return the editor type for the cell. In OnGetEditorProp you can do inplace editor customization like adding values to a combobox.
This is explained in the manual and demonstrated in TAdvStringGrid sample nr. 5

This is old documentation.
Please consult up-to-date documentation
page 32

Thank you. I will check it.
I downloaded my manual 3 days ago form your website: http://www.tmssoftware.biz/Download/Manuals/TMS%20Grid%20Pack%20Guide.pdf

This was outdated.
The latest TAdvStringGrid manual is: