TAdvSmoothPanel Caption

Hello there, i have question about TAdvSmoothPanel and other similar controls.
In "Caption" property, there is "line".

How could i determine Caption.Line position from top ?

With dynamically created captions, sometimes they hold single line, sometimes more,
currently line just moves down and sometimes covers rest of the controls on the panel.
Maybe there is way to automatically resize panel and / or move items below Caption line down ?
Or any other solution ? I can't seem to find simple way to get to the Caption.Text Canvas to determine actual label height.

Thanks in advance!


With AdvSmoothPanel1.GetCaptionHeight you can determine the height of the caption, including the line.

Thank You for quick answer,
btw is there any detailed documentation of all methods and properties of given class apart from pdf guides ?

Kind regards


All documentation regarding the panel or any other smooth control can be found online at the following URL:
