TAdvSmoothListBox Category OnClick


Another question regarding the TAdvSmoothListBox component :

I don't see an OnClick event linked to sections (categories). I want to be able to respond to a user clicking on a category (section). Am I overlooking an event somewhere ? Can you tell me how I would be able to add this functionality myself ?

Another question : Is it possible to align a category image to the right, instead of to the left ? Items have a left-image and a right-image, sections (categories) do not seem to have this functionality...


Currently, only items are interactable, sections are static. There is also no easy way to accomplish this without changes in the source code. Sections only display a Character or image left-aligned, alignment to the right is currently not possible.

We have added these features on our feature request list.

Kind Regards, 

Ah, that's a shame.

I want the user to be able to collapse and expand sections (categories). I thought to be able to do this using an OnClick event of the category.

Items do have a Collapse method. Do you see any other way for me to achieve collapsing and expanding of entire categories (sections) ?


Well, the included demo shows how this can be achieved, the items have a level property and can be collapsed when clicking on the left-graphic button item.

Kind Regards, 

Hi Pieter,

Yes, I saw this example. However, I don't think it will work nicely in combination with categories.

We use categories in the list, with a number of items per category. These items are not divided into multiple levels, so they would all be on the same level.

The only way I see to use collapse-functionality like this, would be to introduce some 'fake' item in each category, at level 0. And put the actual items into level 1. But that way, I would get visible categories in my list, with in each category a level 0 fake-item, with a number of level 1 items below that.

That would not be what I want, visually.


The functionality you want is a combination of several features that are already included, but accessible in a different way, and a way to click on the section. Unfortunately without source code changes this is currently not possible. We already have added this on our feature request list for consideration.

Kind Regards,

Thanks, I understand :)