TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO embeded images problem


after I sorted out most of my problems with TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO, there is one problem, I cannot find a workaround for.
When I place an image in a TAdvRichEditor and set InlineImages := true, it stores the image as expected, what is great. When I change the size of the image, using the corner handles, it stores the size of the image in the HTML code, but unfortunately it does not use this information, when the HTML code is loaded into the TAdvRichEditor again.

It is in TAdvRichEditor.ParseHTML where the code is parsed and image width and image height is only used, when the image comes from a file and not as base64 coded data.

How can I use InlineImages and still can adjust the size of the images.

Best Regards

I cannot reproduce this
This HTML file was saved after resizing an image in TAdvRichEditor with TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO
riched.html (83.8 KB)
When it is loaded using TAdvRichEditorHTMLIO, it uses the width & height saved along with the inline image
width="219" height="130"

When I manually remove these specifiers, it loads the image again and displays it in its original size, so the width & height attribute is taken in account.

Thanks for your answer. I think I should update to the latest version. Did not realise, it was that long ago, I updated my component pack.
I have installed TMS Component Pack v9.2.0.0 release May 28, 2019

I just saw, that the Component Pack does not exist any more. I guess the TMS VCL UI Pack replaces it.

Sorry for my requests, that most likely are caused by a very old version. I will buy updates tomorrow and try it with the latest version.

Thanks a lot for your patience.