TAdvRichEditorFormatToolBar: Custom Hints for FontSizeUp and FontSizeDown are being ignored

I found a small issue that I already corrected in my source code and simply wanted to report:

Changes to TAdvRichEditorFormatToolBar.Hints.FontSizeDownContent/FontSizeDownTitle/FontSizeUpContent/FontSizeUpTitle
are being ignored and the standard values are displayed no matter what.
The problem is that in TAdvRichEditorFormatToolBar.UpdateHints the buttons "btFontSizeUp" and "btFontSizeDown" aren't updated.
It seems that this has simply been forgotten, probably since those buttons are by default deactivated.
Adding the same update-prodecure for those two buttons has resolved the issue for me:

  agb := GetButton(integer(btFontSizeUp));
  agb.Hint := Hints.FontSizeUpTitle;
  agb.OfficeHint.Title := Hints.FontSizeUpTitle;
  agb.OfficeHint.Notes.Text := Hints.FontSizeUpContent;

  agb := GetButton(integer(btFontSizeDown));
  agb.Hint := Hints.FontSizeDownTitle;
  agb.OfficeHint.Title := Hints.FontSizeDownTitle;
  agb.OfficeHint.Notes.Text := Hints.FontSizeDownContent;

Thanks for notifying.
We've done this adaption and it will be included in the next release.