A few issues with AdvRichEdit

here are 4 issues I have with the AdvRichEditor (using component pack

TAdvRichEditorFormatToolBar, when the toolbar has a styler, the font selector and font size selector are not styled. This worked on previous version of the component.

TAdvRichEditorEditingToolBar none of the buttons can be hidden. Their true/false toggle does nothing.

Bug with normal bullets. When you have bullets in your text, calling AdvRichEditor1.ContentAsRTF function returns something different for each call (always increasing in size)
To reproduce:
Create an empty document and simply add one numbered with some text. Call AdvRichEditor1.ContentAsRTF a few times in a row. Notice that every call return a different string.

Bug with numbered bullets. See above.

Help would be appreciated.


Thanks for your feedback. All 4 items are traced & solved. We'll release an update asap that will address this.