TAdvRichEditor: Table of contents feature?

Does TAdvRichEditor support hyperlinks to targets inside the RTF document? I need to create an RTF document with a table of contents where clicking on a TOC item jumps to the corresponding topic inside the RTF document. Is there a demo for such a feature?

Look at the attached RTF document: I have created it in Libre Office Writer. It is a fully qualified RTF document. When loading it in Libre Office Writer, CTRL-clicking on a link inside the Table of Contents jumps to the linked Topic. But when loading it in TAdvRichEditor (e.g. in the AdvRichEditor\ButtonBar demo) the links don't work!

TOC.zip (1.3 KB)

At this moment there is only support for external links (hyperlinks).
I suggest to add this to the feature request list https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/fr.asp so we can consider this for a future update.

I have submitted the feature request and got this response:

You forgot to enter your answer :wink:

What was the question?

Please quote previous e-mails which is indispensable for understanding what you say. Thank you!

Best regards,
Peter Aschbacher

I have submitted the feature request and got this response:

Just above my post. I thought it would hit your eyes.