Paste-Problem with TAdvRichEditor


I have some anoying behavior with the TAdvRichEditor.
I can reproduce it by following:
1) Create new Form
2) Put TAdvPanel on it and say align = Bottom
3) Put TAdvDockPanel on it
4) Put TAdvRichEditor on it and say align = Client
5) On the TAdvPanel put two Buttons Align left / Align Right
6) One Button is simply for "Close"
7) The other Button put:

  if (AdvRichEditor1.FirstElement = nil) then

8) Put a TAdvRichEditorFormatToolBar in the Dock--Panel + check if RichEditor is assigned.

Now save everything in your Test-Folder and start.

At start you can press the second Button and the Format is changed to Arial 10.
This is simple and useful if you want to start the Editor with the same default format setting.
I tried a long time to reach this behavior, so I want to share this with the other forum-users.

But now to the Problem!
Open another WYSIWYG-editor. LibreOffice will do this. Write something and set format to Comic San MS. Open a simple Texteditor like the Windows-Editor and write some other Text.
Copy and paste the LibreOffice-Text to the app to the TAdvRichEditor.
Make a linebreak and set the format of the whole Text (Ctrl-A) to Arial.
Next copy the Text from the simple Text-Editor to the TAdvRichRichEditor.
Now the inserted text is in Comic San MS.
This is very annoying, when you use one Format for the first lines and insert several lines after that where you want another format.
It should be the format, which is set in the FormatToolBar, when inserting non-formated text.

I hope you can reproduce this and agree with my position.
Thanks for reading so far.

Greetings from germany
 Peter Nomden

Thanks for reporting. We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.