

We have an odd problem with a client using our application - it is on any forms that contain a TAdvOfficeTabSet - it comes up with 'Error reading otsDateSelector.AdvOfficeTabs: Invalid floating point operation' when the form is created.  

The application is running from a server and only happens on some PCs and not others - the app is built in Delphi 2007 and using the latest TMS components

Any ideas?


Sorry, without further information or details, it is extremely hard to guess what is going wrong.

Is there something common about the PCs where this problem is occuring?

No anything immediately obvious .. as they are Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601 and display mode: 1920x1080, 32bit ... which is the same as my PC .  I created a simple test app that was just a single form. had a TadvOfficeTabSet & Eurekalog and this failed for them also.  I don't know if the following helps ... seems to be failing on ..    Result := Rect(round(sizerect.X), Round(sizerect.Y), Round(sizerect.X + sizerect.Width), Round(sizerect.Y + sizerect.Height)); // line 2512 in AdvOfficeTabSet (DrawVista)

main thread ($b70):
004035fe +006 FZTabSet.exe System            126   +0 @ROUND
00560ff3 +43b FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  2512 +119 DrawVistaText
00572cb1 +269 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  9796  +55 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.GetTabRect
00574976 +06a FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet 10826  +20 GetScrollMax
00574a97 +067 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet 10860  +10 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.UpdateTabScroller
00570d34 +00c FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  8505   +2 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.WMSize
00508153 +2bb FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TControl.WndProc
0050c157 +4fb FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.WndProc
0057763d +005 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet 12572   +1 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.WndProc
0050b880 +02c FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.MainWndProc
0042b8b4 +014 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    StdWndProc
77440107 +02b ntdll.dll                               KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7522d25c +02e USER32.dll                              CreateWindowExA
00408e3f +03f FZTabSet.exe Windows                    CreateWindowEx
0050afac +030 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.CreateWindowHandle
0050aecd +121 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.CreateWnd
0056adf7 +027 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  6496   +4 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.CreateWnd
0050b2ba +016 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.CreateHandle
0050eb80 +01c FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.HandleNeeded
0050eb8d +005 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.GetHandle
0050ecf9 +009 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.GetClientRect
005728c0 +010 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  9684   +1 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.GetTabsRect
00572af0 +0a8 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  9758  +17 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.GetTabRect
00574976 +06a FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet 10826  +20 GetScrollMax
00574a97 +067 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet 10860  +10 TAdvCustomOfficeTabSet.UpdateTabScroller
0056a0c7 +1a7 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  5777  +45 TOfficeTabCollectionItem.Create
00507de0 +024 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TControl.Perform
0050e9b9 +009 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.Invalidate
0056a7f6 +00e FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  6097   +1 TOfficeTabCollectionItem.Refresh
0056a8d0 +000 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  6186   +0 TOfficeTabCollectionItem.OnTabAppearanceChanged
00568d0f +00f FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  4698   +2 TCustomTabAppearance.Changed
00569044 +000 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  5119   +0 TCustomTabAppearance.OnBackGroundChanged
00568737 +00f FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  4405   +2 TGradientBackground.Changed
005687bb +003 FZTabSet.exe AdvOfficeTabSet  4441   +1 TGradientBackground.SetDirection
0041d246 +03a FZTabSet.exe TypInfo                    SetOrdProp
00421fd7 +00b FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TCollection.Add
004256d5 +04d FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadCollection
0042695f +22f FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadPropValue
004264ba +186 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadProperty
00425e0d +015 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadDataInner
00425def +067 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadData
0042ac6d +001 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TComponent.ReadState
00505d29 +02d FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TControl.ReadState
00509c5d +025 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.ReadState
00425c67 +11f FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadComponent
00425e81 +089 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadDataInner
00425dc0 +038 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadData
0042ac6d +001 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TComponent.ReadState
00505d29 +02d FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TControl.ReadState
00509c5d +025 FZTabSet.exe Controls                   TWinControl.ReadState
0051ded1 +06d FZTabSet.exe Forms                      TCustomForm.ReadState
00426c80 +1d8 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TReader.ReadRootComponent
004240aa +032 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    TStream.ReadComponent
00420d3f +057 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    InternalReadComponentRes
00420ec9 +079 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    InitComponent
00420f5a +062 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    InitInheritedComponent
0051d775 +0a1 FZTabSet.exe Forms                      TCustomForm.Create
0042b8b4 +014 FZTabSet.exe Classes                    StdWndProc
005270b6 +06e FZTabSet.exe Forms                      TApplication.CreateForm
756a3388 +010 kernel32.dll                            BaseThreadInitThunk

It's unclear what is happening.
Would you be able to log the values of the parameters of the Rect() call to see if there is anything unusual with these?