TAdvMultiColumnDropDown backspace not working

Dear TMS,

In the latest update you changed something in this component. What I see is that I can not use the backspace to clear the text. When all text selected backspace is working. When you at the end of the text, once pressed backspace is not working. It is deleting the last character then it appears again. If you are long pressing the backspace you can delete all of the text.

Is it supposed to work like this, or is it a bug? In the change log what does it really mean:

Thanks for reporting. We traced & solved this issue.

Thanks. It will be in the next update?

Until that what I suppose to change to work with it?

Next release date is Nov 5, 2015. You can also see this after login on our website on the "My products"
page at "Estimated next release date".

Hi again!

Now the backspace is working. Another problem:
Put this component on a form.
Columns number will be 2 or more
Lookupcolumn : 1
CaseSensitive : False
CharCase: ecUpperCase

Fill up the columns with these data:
0001 MAK
0002 MEK
0003 MIZ
0004 NAT
0005 NAG
0006 NZS
0007 NEU

Run the program.
Type in the field NAG. When you try, and you hit the last letter it will jump back to NAT. It supposes to select NAG.

In version it was correct.


I have retested this here with a default TAdvMultiColumnDropDown on the form initialized with the code:

  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '0001,MAK';
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '0002,MEK';
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '0003,MIZ';
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '0004,NAT';
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '0005,NAG';
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '0006,NZS';
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.Items.Add.Text.CommaText := '0007,NEU';
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.LookupColumn := 1;
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.CaseSensitive := false;
  AdvMultiColumnDropDown1.CharCase := ecUpperCase;

and I cannot reproduce this issue here. I can enter 'NAG' and it will stick to the entered value 'NAG'.