TAdvListEditor and TAB key

When type something in AdvListEditor and exit with TAB key, without push seperator <default is ";"> AdvListEditor.Values.Count not return correct value.
If exit with mouse also have a problem.

Is this with the latest TMS VCL UI Pack v11.0.2.0 as I could not see an issue here.
With & without Separator , this code

procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
  caption := advlisteditor1.Values.Count.ToString;

always returns the proper nr. of values in the TAdvListEditor here.

Try onExit event

procedure TForm1.AdvListEditor1Exit(Sender: TObject);
caption := advlisteditor1.Values.Count.ToString;

I use ValueEditDone event and works.
Thank you.

This is the recommended event to use.