TAdvGlowButton size on TFlowPanel

I'm creating my own component. It includes a TFlowPanel on it with a TAdvGlowButton-s. If I use 16x16 images, everything is fine. If I use 20x20 pictures then

  • everything is OK at design time
  • at runtime it is always trimmed from below. Estimated 2 pixels
    It doesn't matter if I set AutoSize to True or False.
    I guess it's caused by TFlowPanel.
    Adjusting the button height doesn't help either.
    2022 04 14 09 17 02
    2022 04 14 09 17 19

I've already figured it out. It is necessary to play with the size of the panel and buttons.

I specify. The height of the button is set automatically. Dimensions 16x16, 24x24 and 32x32 are OK. 20x20 is always bad