TAdvGaugeCircle text redering question

Delphi is 10.4, TMS VCL UI Pack is JUL, 2022

Hello TMS,

When assigned the text on a TAdvGaugeCircle which is created in a run-time and place on TPanel on a TAdvStringGrid, text is positioned about 2 pixels high then from the center.

In the "TAdvGaugeCircle.Paint" method, adding +2 to y position then the text's is looks fine:

      //Draw the position centered in the circle
      PosText := FloatToStr(Position);

      if FFormat <> '' then
        PosText := SysUtils.Format(FFormat, [Position]);

      g.MeasureString(PosText,Length(PosText), gpfont ,r, tr);
      tr.X := cr.X + cr.Width / 2 - tr.Width / 2;
      tr.Y := (cr.Y + cr.Height / 2 - tr.Height / 2) {+ 2}; // <-----------------------------------Here

We miss something or any suggestions?

Our create gauge code like a following:

function CreateGauge(AOwner: TPanel): TAdvGaugeCircle;
    LGauge: TAdvGaugeCircle;
    LGauge := TAdvGaugeCircle.Create(AOwner);
    LGauge.Parent := AOwner;

    LGauge.CircleBackgroundColor := AColor;
    LGauge.Background.Color := clNone;
    LGauge.Background.ColorTo := clNone;
    LGauge.Background.ColorMirror := clNone;
    LGauge.Background.ColorMirrorTo := clNone;

    LGauge.Font.Name := '나눔바른고딕';
    LGauge.Font.Color := AFontColor;
    LGauge.Font.Height := IfThen(Length(AText) >= 4, -11, -15);
    LGauge.Font.Style := [fsBold];

    LGauge.ArcWidth := 4;
    LGauge.Minimum := AMinVal;
    LGauge.Maximum := AMaxVal;
    LGauge.Name := 'GridGauge' + ACol.ToString + ARow.ToString;
    LGauge.Position := AVal;
    LGauge.PenColor := AGaugeColor;

    LGauge.InnerMargin := 2;
    LGauge.Increment := 0;
    LGauge.Cursor := crHandPoint;
    LGauge.Align := alClient;

    LGauge.Tag := ARow;
    LGauge.OnClick := OnGaugeClick;
    LGauge.OnMouseUp := OnGaugeMouseUp;

    LGauge.Text := '';
    LGauge.Format := AText;
    if (AVal = 0) and (AMaxVal = 0) then
      LGauge.ArcWidth := (Convert96DPI(AOwner.Width) div 2) - LGauge.InnerMargin;
      LGauge.Minimum := 0;
      LGauge.Maximum := 100;
      LGauge.Position := 100;
      LGauge.ArcWidth := 4;
    Result := LGauge;


  LPanel := TPanel.Create(nil);
  LPanel.Top := 0;
  LPanel.Left := 0;
  LPanel.Visible := True;
  LPanel.Name := 'GridGaugePanel' + ACol.ToString + ARow.ToString;
  LPanel.Caption := '';
  LPanel.ParentDoubleBuffered := False;
  LPanel.ParentBackground := False;
  LPanel.ParentColor := False;
  LPanel.Color := clNone;
  LPanel.BevelOuter := bvNone;
  LPanel.BevelInner := bvNone;
  LPanel.BevelKind := bkNone;
  LPanel.Font.Color := clWindow;
  LPanel.Width := CellSize(ACol, ARow).X;
  LPanel.Height := CellSize(ACol, ARow).Y;
  LPanel.OnClick := OnGaugeClick;
  LPanel.OnMouseUp := OnGaugeMouseUp;
  LPanel.Tag := ARow;
  LPanel.AlignWithMargins := True;
  LPanel.Margins.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, 0);
  LPanel.Padding.Bottom := 2;

  LGauge := CreateGauge(LPanel);
  CellControls[ACol, ARow] := LPanel;

Why not simply send a screenshot + a sample source project instead of a code extract with numerous missing values + missing possibly relevant grid properties? Now our time is lost and you did not get help, so everyone lost.

Project1.zip (9.6 KB)

Trying to put this into a project, it is not clear what you mean.
What I see:

Project1.zip (9.6 KB)