TAdvDBFormPanel - unit TAdvDBFormLayouter - property ShowLabel

Hi all,

i had a problem with the property ShowLabel of class TLayoutItem.

After some research, i think i've found a problem in the unit TAdvDBFormLayouter.

If i set the property ShowLabel to False, the if instruction

if (Layout.Labels.Position <> lsNone) and Layout.Items[i].ShowLabel then

at row 653 is skipped, and so the local variable lblctrl is not initialized.

After that, the variable lblctrl is however used at row 719, causing an exception. After that, it's also used at row 787, with the same problem.

Thank you, ciao !


The first is indeed a potential issue and we've applied a fix for this.
For the 2nd case, it should not enter this block, because the same condition

if (Layout.Labels.Position <> lsNone) and Layout.Items[i].ShowLabel then

is used to enter or not enter this code block.

Next update will have this improvement.

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