
Table field linked to this component is empty. By default in my IDE (C++ Builder XE6) it shows a value of "30.12.1899". But, when starting my application I get the following error message:

"Error reading AdvDBDateTimePicker1.Time: You must be in ShowCheckbox mode to set to this date".

Please advise.

I found out why this problem happens. I'm using kind: dkDate and store only a date in my table field. If property "Time" is not specified in TAdvDBDateTimePicker component then I get the error message.

But, I don't need to specify time in my case.

This is now becoming annoying. Each time I open my project i need to manually set 'Time' property to some value or I get "Error reading AdvDBDateTimePicker1.Time: You must be in ShowCheckbox mode to set to this date". This property seams cannot be empty no matter if I use dkDate kind?

I could not see such problem here.

Do you use the latest version of the component?
To test this, a TAdvDBDateTimePicker was used, connected to a date field and TAdvDBDateTimePicker.Kind was set to dkDate. It is on startup connected to a dataset with NULL value for the date field connected to this control. 
If a problem persists with the latest version, please provide more details how we can reproduce this here.