Tabsheets in Form policy

I wanted to hide some tabsheets using a form policy but was surprised that they were not in the list of components.  I found that it was a simple matter to add them in the procedure TuilFormPolicyDlg.AddComponents(EditForm: TForm; AForm: TfrmFormPolicy) and the code to show/hide enable/disable them appears to be in the code so I suspect this was taken out for some reason.  Is this just an oversight or is there a reason they do not appear?

I have retested this here by adding a TPageControl on the mainform of the security system demo and edit the form policy, but all tabsheets are visible in the policy editor. The tabsheets are organised under node TTabSheet in the Components hierarchy. What do you do different in your app?

I am using your AdvPager but only the pager not the tabsheets appeared in the form policy editor's component list until I edited the following procedure in your code (I've put my initials around the code I changed).  I'm don't see how it can be different for you if you are using the same version as me.  The component shows it's version as

procedure TuilFormPolicyDlg.AddComponents(EditForm: TForm; AForm: TfrmFormPolicy);


  j       : Integer;

  PropInfo: PPropInfo;

  Allow   : Boolean;


  for j := 0 to EditForm.ComponentCount - 1 do // Iterate


    if not IgnoreList.IsIgnored(EditForm.Components[j]) then


      // find all components with Enabled, Visible or ReadOnly property

      PropInfo := TypInfo.GetPropInfo(EditForm.Components[j].ClassInfo, 'Enabled');

      if PropInfo <> nil then


        Allow := True;

        if Assigned(OnFilterComponent) then

          OnFilterComponent(Self, EditForm.Components[j], Allow);

        if Allow then

          AddToList(AForm, EditForm.Components[j].Name, EditForm.Components[j].ClassName)




        PropInfo := TypInfo.GetPropInfo(EditForm.Components[j].ClassInfo, 'Visible');

        if PropInfo <> nil then


          Allow := True;

          if Assigned(OnFilterComponent) then

            OnFilterComponent(Self, EditForm.Components[j], Allow);

          AddToList(AForm, EditForm.Components[j].Name, EditForm.Components[j].ClassName);




          PropInfo := TypInfo.GetPropInfo(EditForm.Components[j].ClassInfo, 'ReadOnly');

          if PropInfo <> nil then


            Allow := True;

            if Assigned(OnFilterComponent) then

              OnFilterComponent(Self, EditForm.Components[j], Allow);

            AddToList(AForm, EditForm.Components[j].Name, EditForm.Components[j].ClassName);


          { + SJS  2012-11-23 }



            PropInfo := TypInfo.GetPropInfo(EditForm.Components[j].ClassInfo, 'TabVisible');

            if PropInfo <> nil then


              Allow := True;

              if Assigned(OnFilterComponent) then

                OnFilterComponent(Self, EditForm.Components[j], Allow);

              AddToList(AForm, EditForm.Components[j].Name, EditForm.Components[j].ClassName);




              PropInfo := TypInfo.GetPropInfo(EditForm.Components[j].ClassInfo, 'TabEnabled');

              if PropInfo <> nil then


                Allow := True;

                if Assigned(OnFilterComponent) then

                  OnFilterComponent(Self, EditForm.Components[j], Allow);




          { - SJS  2012-11-23 }




      AForm.tvComponents.Selected := AForm.tvComponents.Items.GetFirstNode;



  end; // for


You're correct that it isn't checked for TabVisible / TabEnabled. We've applied these extensions. Next update will have this improvement.