TableView with C++

Hi - I am working with C++ Builder (using Rio) and am trying to learn to use the TableView control (first time tms user too). I'm using the tms tableview guide. I want to be able to add a progress bar in some of my list items.

How do I translate the following Delphi code to C++?


TMSFNCTableView1.Items[0].Accessory := tviaDetail;

TMSFNCTableView1.Items[0].AccessoryWidth := 16;

TMSFNCTableView1.Items[0].AccessoryHeight := 16;

TMSFNCTableView1.Items[0].Accessory := tviaProgress;

TMSFNCTableView1.Items[0].AccessoryProgress := 75;

TMSFNCTableView1.Items[0].AccessoryFontColor := gcBlack

I got the first line but I'm stuck on the Items[0] lines.


Sorry, big newbie here.




MyImage.png is a reference to an image in the bitmapcontainer.
To access items you need to use the following code:

TMSFNCTableView1->Items->Items[0]->Accessory = tviaDetail; 

Thanks Pieter!  I'm off and running now.