doesn't save blobs via FNC Cloud Pack / VCL

Hi there,
I am playing around with - which looks great to me so far.

I just cannot figure out how to save blobs:

  • I have a table in my stellar project, which has a blob field "Graphic"
  • I have several other "regular" fields
  • I am using a TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSetVCL connected through a TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreConnection - which connects fine.
  • I have regular VCL DB controls connected: DBGrid, DBNavigator, DBMemo - all works fine, I can edit, post and scroll through the available records.
  • I can even paste images via a DBImage component. No error on Dataset.Post. I can scroll through the dataset and the various images show up correctly.

-> The image data is apparently not persisting. It only seems to be cached locally. In other words, once I restart my app, only data from the "regular" fields is in the stellar DB.

Is there any special command to make TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSetVCL post blob data back to my stellards table?

Olaf Monien

PS: I followed @brunofierens WebCore Book Challenge video and am able to persist a blob from within an WebCore app using the TWebStellarDataStoreClientDataset.WriteBlob technique.
Though, I cannot find an equivalent for TTMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSetVCL

There seems to be an issue with the way blob fields are handled in the dataset. We'll investigate this here as soon as possible.

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Update: this might take a while, we are currently working on StellarDS maintenance and therefore cannot work on the blob fields.

ok, thanks for letting me know. No problem, it's a beta , and as long this issue is not forgotten :)

Hi, We've made some changes to upload blobs when posting data. This can be done like you would do with any kind of dataset

  TMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSetFMX1.FieldByName('FirstName').AsString := 'This is My First Name';
  s := TMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSetFMX1.CreateBlobStream(TMSFNCCloudStellarDataStoreDataSetFMX1.FieldByName('Avatar'), bmWrite);
  ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
    ms.LoadFromFile('My Avatar.png');
    s.CopyFrom(ms, ms.Size);

If you are interested we can send you incremental source updates for testing purposes.

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Hi Pieter,
I would certainly be interested in testing these incremental updates.

I've sent a private message