Stack trace for Scripts?

Is there any news on stack trace support for scripts executed in TMS Scripter?

It's really painful to debug FORMS with events in TMS editor without being able to see the whole chain of calls.

No news so far. But note that with form events, you won't see the full call stack like in Delphi. Events are fired from Delphi "outside" from script, so an eventual call stack it will start only in the event handler itself.

>so an eventual call stack it will start only in the event handler itself.
Please, think about allowing to get Full call stack, that contain as much information as it's possible.
Cause the biggest problem that call stack could solve is to understand call chain of different events fired from different components. 

Can you please think about adding some sort of event that will allow programmers to provide Delphi call stack?

One more thing that I'd like to have for call stack:
* some method that will allow to get call stack on-demand from the scripter (it will help me give users better explanations on Exceptions, providing TMS call stack in addition to Delphi call stack). If there will be such method I can import it to TMS scripts, and use for debug puproses.