SQL server schema


We;re trying Aurelius and the data modeler. Our existing databases are mostly within MS-SQL-server and use some specific SQL-server-schema. So, a table for countries is cfreated in the 'dba'-schema and a web-specific table is created in a 'www'-schema.
We know houw to specify a schema in the Aurelius pascal-files. However, we would like the datamodeler to use the correct schema. We were unable to find were to enter that schema information in the datamodeler. Is it possible? If yes, how do we do that? If no, is there an alternative approach?

Kind regards

Data Modeler doesn't import schema information related to teach table, unfortunately that is not currently possible. The only workaround is to include the schema information modifying Aurelius classes generated source code, either directly or through customization scripts.


Thank you for the quick reply. I've read the documentation-part about Customization Scripts. I think i should use the OnClassGenerated-event but i can't figure out which attribute to add/edit so a [Table('Orders', 'dbo')] will get generated into the pascal-file.

The documentation is rather short about the TClassGeneratedArgs and its properties.

Can you point us in the right direction?

Kind regards

Version 3.3.1 was released and now allows writing such scripts, here is an example:
