Smart Setup initial product filtering

It would be fine if the SmartSetup would Start with only the installed Products or Sorted by Status with the installed Product on Top.
Who cares about the Products that are not installed for the first look.
In the config-File i do not found an option for this.

Actually the first time users open Smart Setup they don't have any product installed, so it's natural that it displays what's available to install, otherwise all users will just simply get an empty screen.

If you set the sort order to Status+Productname then also the not firsttime users would be happy with this configuration. Or you can use a Parameter in the config file what sort order the user want to have.

From version 1.6, Smart Setup tmsgui will first list the installed products, and only then the ones available to be installed (not installed).

Thank you for this.
When will smertsetup V1.6 be available? V1.5 is still available at the moment.
Where can I get instructions on how to uninstall WebCore, as this should also be available with the new Smartdetup version. However, it is written that you should also remove all settings in the registry. But it is not said what has to be removed in the registry before the new installation with Smartsetup.

Basically, uninstall TMS WEB Core (old installation) via the Control Panel. Then check Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\tmssoftware\TMS WEB Core and remove that key. Then install TMS WEB Core via TMS Smart Setup

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