Slow Redraw Issue

I have several TAdvPanels, each containing several TAdvGlowButtons. the panels are aligned to the top of the Form. If I change the size of the form at runtime the redraw of the panels is very slow and flickers quite noticeably.

There are also circumstances where the panels need to redraw and this seems to be very slow.

For some reason when this happens, the buttons themselves either do not redraw or do so very quickly.

I have tried changing the "Buffered" and "Double Buffered" properties of the TAdvPanels, but this has no effect on the problem.

I am using Delphi D10, Windows 10 an TMS V8.0.4.0

Any clues?


I retested this here with a top aligned TAdvPanel and 24 TAdvGlowButton instances on it and to exercise graphics more anchored these buttons, but I couldn't see any performance issues here. If a problem persists, please provide some sample source app with which we can reproduce this here.

I forgot to mention that each of the panels has a TGradientLabel added to it. This label is set to Transparent and it is this label that flickers when the for is resized.

Could you please provide (mailto:info@tmssoftware.comsome sample source project with which we can reproduce this here ?