Shift-click behave like Ctrl-click

A shift-click on the grid rows now behave like a ctrl-click and no longer select the row range between first selected row and clock point. 

I assume you did set goEditing = true in grid.Options and that the problem does not happen when goEditing = false?

If this is the case, we traced & solved this issue and the next update will address this.

goEditing is set to false. But iit does it independent of the goEditing option, just tested.

If I set goEditing to true, and double click a row, the row become black and the text cant be read.

Was retested with a default TAdvStringGrid on the form initialized with:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  advstringgrid1.MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelect := true;
and I cannot see a problem. 
Please provide more details about circumstances.

Something definitely has changed. I always have goRangeSelect set to false, since ever, and it worked always. Suddenly, I cant select multiple rows when goRangeSelect is off, independent MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelect is set to true or false. With other words, when goRangeSelect is turned off, the disjunctRowSelect option does not do anything anymore.

I retested this here with the latest version with a default TAdvStringGrid (goRangeSelect = false) on the form initialized with:

procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  advstringgrid1.MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelect := true;

and I cannot see a problem.

It definitely does not do that for me. I created a new project, set DisjunctRowSelect to true, rangeselect to false, and I cannot use shift-click to select a range of rows like I could before.

I did not notice it, but many of our clients did, complaining that they suddenly cannot select a range with a normal windows shift/click anymore (after I recompiled using the lasted grid version).
Anyway, if it works for you (of course), then I have to tell my clients that they are all wrong.

Are you 100% sure your app is compiled & linked with the latest version (from TMS component pack v8.1.3.1) ?

Yes, I am 100% sure. I just installed the latest version of TMS Components with grid in it.

I have disabled:

I have enabled:

Using shift-click, I am not able anymore to selected a range of rows like it did before (and line a listview or other windows controls does it). It now behave like ctrl-click. And that happen in all of my projects, and they all worked before.

I am using Delphi 10, if that matter. I can also email a sample project (what email address?).

I retested this once more, starting from a default grid on the form and initialized with the code:

procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  advstringgrid1.Options := advstringgrid1.Options - [goEditing, goRangeSelect] + [goRowSelect];
  advstringgrid1.MouseActions.DisjunctRowSelect := true;

and I cannot see a problem. Tested in Delphi 10/Windows 10.
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